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Thu, Apr 01, 2021

A Brief Story of The CBD Industry #3

The first hemp crops date back to over 6000 years ago in China. This plant produces more than 400 natural compounds, of which the two main groups of molecules with bioactive properties are terpenes and cannabinoids. The CBD belongs to the latter category.

Cannabinoids are compounds that interact with the human nervous system through the endocannabinoid system (SEC). The hemp plant contains dozens of cannabinoids, where THC, CBD, and CBG are the most common. These molecules differ in their chemical structure and effects.

Many believe that CBD has numerous therapeutic properties, and can also be used as a daily dietary supplement to promote homeostasis. The FDA will not allow any companies that sell, promote or distribute any CBD products to make any health claims regarding the use of CBD. Although beneficial for our general well-being, CBD does not have the psychotropic properties of cousin THC.

CBD is extracted from Cannabis Sativa, also known as hemp or industrial hemp. Cannabis is a plant that is recognized by all as amazing and euphoric due to the presence of the cannabinoid THC. CBD, however, unlike THC, has no psychotropic properties, which means that you can’t get high by taking cannabidiol. The intake of CBD is not aimed at leisure and alteration of one’s mental state. Please use this wonderful product at your own risk. Please always consult your physician for proper medical advice.



A Brief History of the CBD Industry #2

The first hemp crops date back to over 6000 years ago in China. This plant produces more than 400 natural compounds, of which the two main gr...

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A Brief History of the CBD Industry

The first hemp crops date back to over 6000 years ago in China. This plant produces more than 400 natural compounds, of which the two main gr...

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